In the early 1930s, George Nissen observed trapeze artistes performing tricks when bouncing off the safety net. He made the first modern trampoline in his garage to reproduce this on a smaller scale and used it to help with his diving and tumbling activities. He formed a company to build trampolines for sale and used a variant of the Spanish word trampolin (diving board) as a trademark. He used the trampoline to entertain audiences and also let them participate in his demonstrations as part of his marketing strategy.
This was the beginning of a new sport.
At SPRINGLOADED we are incredibly lucky to have an amazing variety of trampolines. These include 5 Olympic sized trampolines, a long trampoline, 1 x mini tramp and our resin foam pit. Our classes are conducted in a safely equipped environment with accredited coaches. Athletes who choose to participate in a Trampolining class will see so many benefits including enhancing their body and spacial awareness, developing confident body movement, both on and off the ground, building strength, posture and agility and challenging their minds and body to reach new goals.
Beginner Trampolining
5-12 year olds
Beginner Trampolining class caters for 5-12 year olds and is suitable for athletes with little to no experience. Athletes start by learning the fundamentals of basic shapes, twists and front & back skills. From learning front and back landings, cartwheels and handstands, athletes will develop a great range of flexibility, strength and balance whilst their love for bouncing continues to grow.
3.45-4.45pm | 4.45-5.45pm
8-18 year olds
Intermediate Trampolining caters for ages 8-18 years old and have mastered the fundamentals of the Beginner program. In this class, we upgrade from handstands to handsprings and from rolls to front and back saults. Within this level athletes can gain confidence in their abilities as their aerial awareness continues to develop and skills are constantly advancing. Here our athletes are able to unlock their full potential and create their own unique combinations using skills learnt in the Beginner class.